Online consultation rules

what you need before contacting the Online clinic

Read the online consultation rules carefully to the end. Your health depends on the reliability and sufficiency of information!

To get the most out of your visit to the Online Clinic, have the following information ready:
1. Prepare a description of your complaints about a health condition and / or a specific disease. Describe how the disease began, what was the dynamics of symptoms from the moment the disease began to the moment of treatment, what factors do you associate this disease with, what studies and what treatment was carried out and what are the results.
2. Prepare all files with the results of analyzes, examinations and conclusions on them for the last year, if available.
FGDS (fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy); colonoscopy; CT (computed tomography); MRI (magnetic resonance imaging); X-ray; US (ultrasound); ECG (electrocardiogram); Elastography.
If the files are in the form of images, then the photos should be smooth and clear.
3. Take a photo of the elements of the rash, "alarming" formations, changes in the skin and mucous membranes, if any.
4. Check your current weight and height.
5. It is advisable that you know your blood type and Rh factor.
6. Have you had a blood transfusion? If yes, when and how many times?
7. Do you suffer from diabetes?
8. Do you have infectious diseases?
9. Have you had surgery? If yes, when and what?
10. Are you allergic to anything?
11. Do you have drug intolerance (negative side effects of drugs)? If "Yes", then indicate which ones, in what way it is expressed.
12. Do you know any risk factors that provoke or increase the risk of developing the disease?
13. Prepare a list of names of drugs, dietary supplements (biologically active additives), vitamins - indicate everything that you are taking at the moment.
14. If available, prepare blood pressure data (morning / evening - for the last 7 days).
15. If you do, then prepare a food diary describing breakfast / lunch / dinner, including snacks, approximately the weight of meals - for the last 7 days, especially if you complain of bloating, stool disturbance, etc.
16. If you want to ask questions to the doctor, then prepare a list of questions for the doctor.

Prepare for physical therapy:
1. Loose or suitable clothing for examination and examination.
2. Enough space around/behind you for tests/exercises. 

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