Benefits of using

the Online Clinic

1. Fast

You can get the consultation you need within 6 hours. In practice, it is even much faster.
You do not need to call the registry; additionally make an appointment or look for a free place; you don't have to wait a few days for your turn to come; you do not need to waste your time to get to the clinic and come back.

2. Convenient

You don't even have to leave your home to get the help you need.
All you need is a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer) with internet access. And quite a bit of time to fill out a request for help form.
You can register yourself personally, as well as your loved ones. And if necessary, at any time convenient for you to ask for help.
You can subscribe to subscription services and receive the discounted assistance you need whenever you need it.

3. Anonymous

In order to provide you with advice and quality support, we do not need any personal data from you, and you do not need to provide us with information that allows you to identify your personality.
All you need is to provide reliable and as complete information as possible about your health concerns.
The information received from you, about you and about what worries you, we do not transfer anywhere and to anyone (information is not transferred to a "third party").
Your information is stored in encrypted and only electronic form.
Only you have access to your information using access codes to your Personal Account
In addition, your information is protected by "medical confidentiality", and we strictly adhere to this.

4. Safe

Data transfer security

All information that is transmitted through our website, Personal Account, and communication channels is securely encrypted before it is transmitted. And only after that, already in encrypted form, it is transferred and stored.
It will take a lot of time and resources for a “third party” to gain access to encrypted data. In this regard, it makes no sense to intercept and decrypt information.
That is why we strongly recommend that you use the Personal Account.
Payment Security
Payment for consulting services is carried out through specialized payment systems and only on their side. Payment systems use international financial data protection standards.
No personal, financial information about your means of payment is entered, collected or stored on our website.
Health safety
Even in developed countries, hospital visitor infections run into the tens of thousands a year. And during pandemics, they increase tenfold, according to official statistics.
By contacting the Online Clinic, you minimize the risks of being infected during a trip or stay in the clinic. It makes no sense to say that being in public places, being a healthy person, there is always a risk of becoming infected through contact with an already sick person.
Due to the fact that there is no physical contact in the Online Clinic, even with a doctor, the risk of infection as the concept of "nosocomial infection" or "medical care-associated infection" is completely excluded.

5. Access from anywhere in the world

Being away from home; in an unfamiliar country; not knowing a foreign language; without established contacts, it is extremely difficult and anxious in difficult moments, especially when they are related to health.
By contacting the Online Clinic, you will always receive professional advice in a language you understand from qualified specialists.
It must be remembered that in another country there may not be medicines that you are used to in your home country. In addition, some medicines have restrictions or prohibitions on their intake by people of other nationalities.
By providing reliable information about your location, you can get important advice about alternative medicines available to you and the features of their use.
In addition, in cases of emergency, the staff of the Online Clinic will be able to consult with their colleagues who are close to you and help you make the right decision regarding the further course of treatment.

6. Day and Night

No matter at what moment you have a problem or at what time of the day you need to access information, you can contact the Online Clinic for help around the clock or get access to all your records in your Personal Account.
At the same time, you will not disturb anyone and will not cause inconvenience, since the Online Clinic service is available to you day and night.

7. Without leaving home

If you or your loved ones you care for are limited in movement, are far from modern and accessible medical facilities, then it becomes expensive, extremely difficult or almost impossible to receive quality medical care, support, and advice.
Turning to the Online Clinic opens up new opportunities for you. Since here you will receive the necessary advice, support, assistance.

8. Human understandable language

If you do not understand what your diagnosis means; or the conclusion about the results of the inspection is not clear; it is not clear what is written in the prescription or any other difficulties arose after visiting the hospital, then in the Online Clinic you will practically not encounter this.
Our experts will always try to give you answers to your questions, and will make every effort so that their consultation, advice, and recommendation do not raise questions for you.
In addition, the information in your Personal Account is formed, organized and adapted for you as a patient, and does not contain "dry", abstruse medical terms.
All forms, fields, diagrams and recommendations are designed for easy, intuitive perception by an ordinary person.

9. Qualitatively

Highly qualified specialists with many years of practical experience are at your service. And a large number of healthy patients who, with their help, overcame their ailments

10. Independently

If you cannot get a positive result in improving your health or the health of your loved ones for a long time, doubt the diagnosis or the correctness of the prescribed course of treatment, do not understand the results of laboratory tests, etc.
By contacting the Online Clinic, you will receive an independent examination on your issue, which no one and nothing influences, except for the reliability of the information you provide.

11. Individually

There are no wards and the same approach to patients.
Each visit to the Online Clinic is unique.
The information you provide is carefully studied and analyzed. A gentle, individual treatment regimen is selected for each case.
Sometimes you have to spend a lot of time and apply a diverse, non-standard scheme that most effectively brings a long-awaited, positive result.

12. Carefully and sparingly for the body

For very serious diseases (and not so) very strong drugs can be used, which in turn have side effects; or by treating one, another may be harmed.
The specialists of the Online Clinic understand this very well, therefore, when prescribing a course of treatment, in addition to an individual approach, knowledge and skills are used that minimize side effects. Appropriate medications are selected, a sparing treatment regimen is recommended.
And sometimes we have to combine, improvise, invent to achieve the desired result and respect for the human body and its health.
We know how; we know how to do it optimally; and apply in practice.

13. We work for the result

Our goal is to help you recover as quickly, efficiently and optimally as possible.
The specialists of the Online Clinic carefully study the information you provide. In the process of treatment, current health indicators and their changes in dynamics are monitored.
If any deviations are detected, operational adjustments are made at an early stage.
In difficult cases, we continue to accompany those who contacted us. And we are trying to find means and ways to alleviate the course of the disease and overcome the disease completely.

14. There is no limit to perfection

Just like humanity does not stand still, but is constantly evolving. Along with humanity, diseases also change.
Online clinic specialists also do not stand still. We regularly follow new discoveries in the field of healthcare; we are exploring new treatment protocols; participate in scientific conferences; attend refresher courses; share experiences with colleagues.
We are improving in order to come to your aid at the right time.

Ask for help.

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